Self driving

Is it safe?

As we go about our daily lives the world around us is continually being updated
and changed by technology in ways that we might not feel totally at ease with.
For Example, Self-driving vehicles. Not everyone is at ease with the idea of robots
that could be hacked, make grave errors, and malfunction in charge of large hunks of metal that
can cause devastating damage if misused. It is a massive step. The concept behind it is quite simple.

All you have to do is stick a bunch of cameras on a carthat are capable of reading objects and
signs. Just set ground rules and have the vehicle react if it comes close to anything.
This basic explanation however, elides other nuances. Driving is typically one of the most
complex human tasks. Following a list of road rules is not enough to drive as well as a human being
does, as we do things like keeping an eye on others to validate who has the right of way, responding
to weather conditions and making judgment decisons that are difficult to encode in real life.

But just as research has introduced self-driving with it; it presents advanced safety. We have all heard the term that
everyone makes mistakes, but do robots? Some argue that it would actually be much safer for technology to take the wheel.
Research by waymo, the leading autonomous industry managed by google, proves that self-driving is actually much safer.
As their cars drive, they throw out millions of laser beams per second via Lidar to make a 360 detailed picture of the
world around it.It also uses radar to determine how far objects are and the speed at which they move. The system is built so
that each mile that the car drives, it tucks away the knowledge and is constantly increasing its knowledge. Thanks to this,
the company boasts that its systemcan now actually predict what each object will do up to Three football fields away.
